Spiritual Life Coaching

True Healing with You front and center.

We uncover the root cause of what you need healed, transformed, or revealed.

William Channels beings of Light and Love, specifically for your Divine Healing.

The Healing Process

1. Uncover

To Heal, we must totally Reveal.

We first uncover the focus of today’s session alongside Spirit in a guided discussion, aimed at your Highest Good.

2. Guide

The Destination? Healing, Knowing, Transformation, or Revelation.

William guides you through the process of Healing, which releases your belief in the Unhealed Self.

3. Heal

You remember your Healed Self the more you release what is blocking it.

At the end of a session you can feel lighter, clearer, or more aligned with your purpose.

I can’t wait to start putting what we discussed into practice.


per 30 min $60

Offered remote over Zoom to the whole world, or in person 35 min from Raleigh, NC.

Continual Healing Packages

1-3-6 month packages for deeper healing

1 Month $320

2x 90-minute sessions scheduled at your convenience

3 Months $800

6x 90-minute sessions scheduled at your convenience

6 Month $1500

12x 90-minute sessions scheduled at your convenience

What are divine services?

Divine Services address you as your Healed Self.

They cut right to the core of what you need. They do not feed ego or continuation of pain and trauma.

Why is this important?

Divine Remembrance invokes your Healed Self.

You are healed at this very moment. Healing is the act of releasing what blocks this realization.

How is this effective?

Identifying with the Healed Self is the only True Healing.

Anything that blocks this realization is an aspect of the Unhealed You.

Teach only love, for that is what you are.